Friday, 2 September 2016

Writings in Nutrition: Telomeres and antioxidant healing

The food we eat is very important for optimal functioning of our body, and we need to fuel it well to get the best we can from it. All foods have nutritional value, although some have much more than others. If we target the foods that provide the most benefit to our bodies, they can take us far. Our bodies will then perform at their best, and will always be ready, lethargy will be a thing of the past and we will move like a well-oiled machine. The foods we eat also have the ability to affect the way we age. The nutrients in specific foods can feed us on a cellular level – the very foundation of our physical being- and quell the tide of aging! Sound impossible? No, this is complete truth. We just need to do a little research on the nutrients present in these particular foods, and then we can increase our longevity and prolong our youthfulness.

We have all heard of antioxidants, and we know that they are an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, but do you know how they function within our bodies and why they are so beneficial? Antioxidants are a class of molecule that play a significant role in our health by controlling how fast we age by fighting free radicals. Antioxidants are capable of stopping the oxidation of other molecules, meaning that they can give life to those that are dying. Free radicals are molecules that are missing one or more electrons, and these defective molecules in our bodies attack healthy molecules to make themselves whole again. So basically, a fundamental part of our DNA is being destroyed by these free radicals, and thereby potentially halving the population of the healthy cells in our bodies. We want to lessen the amount of free radicals in our bodies so that healthy cells have the chance to thrive.  
Image result for antioxidants

Antioxidants play a significant part in our health due to the control they have over how fast we age. Foods that contain antioxidants are nuts, berries, leafy greens, green tea, cacao and fish. On the other side of the coin, there are certain foods or nutrients that lead to the killing of cells in our bodies, and these are known to age us. These foods are highly processed and refined and include salt and sugar, although fructose which is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruits also does this.

Recent studies into healthy aging have found that if we look after our bodies on a cellular level, and in particular lengthen our telomeres, we can naturally slow the aging process. Telomeres are segments of DNA at the end of our chromosomes. These tiny, seemingly inconsequential, parts of our DNA are what determine our age. Essentially, if they shorten, we age, but if their length is maintained, we slow down the aging process. Recent studies have shown that shorter than average telomere length is associated with increased mortality risk.

Importantly, aside from what we eat to increase our general well-being, we can also take part in certain practices regularly to increase it. Chronic stress is associated with shortened telomere length, so it is important we control our stress levels, and this can be done through a meditation practice, or any mindfulness practice, such as yoga. Of course, exercise is always important, as it boosts our happiness through increased dopamine release.

Image result for telomeres

Although nutrition is important, the most important aspect of determining our age is our level of happiness. Living a happy life and being proud of how we have lived is necessary for both our mental and physical health, and is a true indicator of our wellbeing.

Yours in health,

Ben :-)
