The Mind-Body-Spirit connection is the definition of holistic health.When these three elements are balanced and operating together in harmony, we as beings will be able to work at our optimum capacity physically and mentally.
The reason for this is because these elements are balanced and are working together which allows a perfect working environment. If you can imagine a circle which is divided evenly into thirds, this is the blueprint of what should be achieved.
Many people are too focused on just one of these three elements which therefore puts the harmony of their life out of balance. Some people live too much in their heads (Mind), which left unchecked could lead to problems in that particular area, they could become too engrossed in their work for instance and through this lose touch with their emotional connections with others. Others could be too focused on their Body and their physical being, which leads to an inflated Ego or becoming selfish. Others again could live too much in the realm of Spirit and seem as though they are 'away with the fairies'. Too much of any one of these is not good for our overall well-being; a balance needs to be found.
In his book 'The essence of health-the seven pillars of well-being',Dr Craig Hassed lists seven elements which lead to our overall health.
Namely these are:
1. Education
2. Stress management
3. Spirituality
4. Exercise
5. Nutrition
6. Connectedness
7. Environment
Each of these things list can be related back directly to the three elements of mind, body or spirit. Exercise and Nutrition come under the heading of Body, Education and Stress Management come under Mind and Spirituality, Connectedness and Environment come under... yep... Spirit. Environment can really also go under Mind if we want to be pedantic, as the beauty of nature allows us to feel the connection with the environment, which can give us clarity of mind.
So, with all this in mind (pun intended), we need to understand how to get the most out of these elements so we can lead the well-balanced and lively lifestyle that we want to lead! In order to achieve this balance, and to exercise our mind, body and spirit, we need to make these three things a part of our lives.
We need to make exercise and proper eating a mainstay in our lives to satisfy the body. When our body is healthy, our mind is also healthy. This is because through exercise, chemicals are released in our brain that improve our mood. We feel more relaxed and happier! To target the function of our mind, we need to seek knowledge. Read a book, do a crossword...give a quiz a go! Last but not least, we need to get in touch with our Spirit. This means we should meditate, or at least get into nature, and feel the energy that it provides us with.
When we satisfy these elements -Mind, Body and Spirit- we are a happy, and well-balanced individual. Of course there are many external influences in our lives which impact on our happiness, but on an individual basis we feel balanced and energised more so than we ever have been!
Yours in Health,
Ben. :-)
Dr. H Craig, The Essence of Health- The seven pillars of Wellbeing, 2008.
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