Saturday, 27 February 2016

Food as fuel.


Image result for food as fuelOur bodies can be viewed as machines, they are incredibly intricate machines which are capable of great feats of strength, endurance, memory and learning.  The list is endless as to what our physical bodies can achieve. Although, in order to be able to achieve these great feats consistently, we need to treat this wondrous specimen of ours correctly. This means fueling our bodies correctly, feeding it the correct foods for it to perform optimally. If we eat junk food consistently, something will go wrong and we will need a service of sorts...something to get us back on track.

Our bodies require the necessary nutrients to work at their best, this means the correct balance of fruit, veggies, proteins and carbohydrates. Hydration is an absolute necessity also as it increases memory and improves motor function and therefore our physical movement.

Junk food, or fast food usually contains a lot of carbohydrates, it also contains a lot of saturated fat. It is these elements that make us feel lethargic after we have eaten them and gives us that sleepy/i don't want to do anything' feeling. You may have noticed that after you have eaten a big bowl of pasta, you want to slump on the couch or go to sleep. This is because carbohydrates make the chemical tryptophan more available to the brain, and this causes drowsiness.
Whereas nutrient dense food such as lean chicken, vegetables, or  a balanced meal when consumed is immediately used as an energy source and doesn't make you feel as though you have a food-baby!

If we continue to eat foods that are not good for our bodies, they will begin to slow down, perform poorly and ultimately stop running. Our bodies need a constant stream of  healthy, nutritious food which includes proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, vitamins and minerals in order to perform at its best.
Especially if you train regularly or are an athlete, what we eat is incredibly important. It as been said that our dietary behaviour is even more important than training itself. The exact ratio of importance of nutrition is hard to say, although it is known that training and nutrition work synergistically, and if the two aren't taken into consideration, results will not be as good as they would be otherwise.

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Do what is right for your body, treat it right and it will do what ever you want it too.

Yours in Health,

Ben :-)


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