Some might cringe when they hear the term ‘conscious relationships’,
and this is understandable, it can seem like a bit of a pretentious term, but
it is actually a very important term and one that is incredibly apt in its
definition. So being conscious means that we are aware of what is happening around
us, and of course, of the relationship which we are in. Hence, we are aware of
our relationship, what is happening within it and how we act within it.
I am not the best person to be talking about this topic as I
have many failed relationships behind me…in some I have been the problem, and
in others it was the other person. But from these previous relationships, I
have learnt something from each one. I have learnt how I act and react in
certain situations, what programs of conditioning have played out over the
course of relationships, and what patterns of conditioning were learnt over
time. But, the main thing is that I have learnt lessons from these
relationships and have done my best to not replay past programs or patterns,
but to be conscious of them so I can better the relationship I am currently in.
When two people are in a relationship and an issue arises, if either party is not aware of what is happening and complications arise as a result a result of the issue, things could snowball fairly quickly, and before you know it a verbal fight could ensue. This is why it is so important to nurture a relationship and to allow it to be healthy through awareness of what is happening. A relationship can be a great opportunity for transformation and growth, and we can learn the most about ourselves in them.
In a healthy, conscious relationship, there are certain
principles that need to be followed for us to allow the relationship to grow
and to allow for our own continued growth on a personal level. These principles
need us to be self-aware of the conditioned programs that we run in ourselves
and also those repetitive cycles that we have played out in previous
relationships. It is important and necessary to have an environment of honesty
where all feelings are not hidden and are shared with your significant other.
These feelings do not always have to be of the happy and positive variety, and
more often than not they won’t be…anger, sadness, fear… all is fair game. As
they say, sharing is caring! We also need to be self-aware and notice our
feelings and thoughts, and share them with our partner. Finally, we need to
realise that our Integrity is essential. It is so important that we say what we
do and we do what we say. We need to follow through on our words or our
Be awake and aware of who you are and the relationship you
are in. This nurtures you as a person and the relationship you are in. Only
growth can come from this.
Yours in health,
Ben :-)