Saturday, 23 December 2017

Aum: the sacred sound of existence.

Image result for aumAum; the primordial sound that created the universe, and the word considered sacred to many and by many. For those who practice yoga or are familiar with Hindu texts, the word Aum is considered to be the word that holds the sacred vibration that created the universe and contains immense healing qualities when sounded out. The word itself, or sound as it may be, is voiced as it is written. As you chant it, you shape your mouth around the word so the letters of the word are individually sounded out. A-U-M. When it is correctly sounded out, the ‘A’ should be felt as a vibration which begins in the abdomen and works its way up through the body, while the ‘U’ should be felt vibrating in the chest and then the ‘M’ is felt in the cranium or head. Each of these three parts of the sound is representative of the cycle of the universe. The abdominal vibration symbolises creation, while the vibration in the chest region symbolises preservation and finally the head vibration symbolises destruction or sacrifice.   

The reason for this deliberate sounding out is due to the vibrational qualities that are produced when each letter is voiced. Aum is considered to be the sacred sound that set into motion the creation of the universe, but why exactly is this? How did this idea come about? Well, this word has a very rich history and contains many qualities that add to the sacred and spiritual aspects of it. This sound was found first in the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism which are the religious texts in the Hindu religion, which define truth and the philosophical teachings of this colourful and polytheistic religion and are said to possibly be up to 2600 years old. Even the AUM symbol itself is meaningful and symbolises the human life in its many forms. The symbol is made up of three curves, a semicircle and a dot. The lower curve symbolises the waking state, otherwise known as our consciousness, while the upper curve is symbolic of deep sleep or the unconscious state and the third curve denotes the dream state. These are the three states of an individual’s consciousness, and thus all that we are capable of within our minds. The dot is symbolic of Absolute consciousness and finally the semicircle is representative of maya or illusion. Therefore the Aum symbol is symbolic of life; the life of a human and the life of the universe. It is all-encompassing.

The origins of Aum stem back to Hindu cosmology which state that the universe is cyclically created and destroyed in the finite life cycle of the universe. This view attains that the universe is created and destroyed repeatedly over a repetitive series of cycles, although through this cycle of death and re-birth it is infinite. Indian seers and mystics have gained this knowledge through astrology without the aid of modern science. It is written in the stars.
Some of you might have heard of cymatics - the science of sound frequencies. If you haven’t already look into it, as it is incredibly interesting. In cymatics a large cardboard sheet of paper with sand particles on top of it is placed on top of a speaker, and when amplified sounds –such as Aum- are played through it sacred symbols are formed by the loose grains of sand on the cardboard. Many of these symbols that are formed are of ancient origin or form sacred geometric shapes. When Aum is chanted or hummed, we are paying respect to the existence of our universe which keeps us alive and supports our life, whether this be through a divine hand or an unknown physical force. By the recitation of this sacred sound we are acknowledging our place in the universe and our connection to it. We are honouring that we play a part in the divine dance of existence and that we are are an active participant within it. You, me, the the sea, the trees the sky, the cosmos… we are all intimately connected. We are all One.

Image result for sacred sounds


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